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【08.12.26】 黄昏(英文版)

发表于 2008-12-26 20:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; V' Y3 \/ W, o; @
英文歌詞:( a" z% S, b6 n9 |" j! T+ Q
my love has gone aways , a* t- I, A6 A6 o+ L$ E* M
quietly after a hundered days
: Y" _# |+ z( c  W0 kthis is what's she has always said she won't stay
& m4 E% w: J2 s/ a7 r* jfor more than what she can repay ! o7 s/ g" E4 K5 Y0 V# a
i can still hear her say - V5 m  s0 Z- q/ `" G
there that i'm not hearing tender play
; m& y! G8 M9 j, h4 x8 Qthe day she let me kiss her was display
- {+ d& f7 o, k( V* e0 w& xof love to those who she betray
' w; F  G2 b# k, ]3 cwhen i thought i got the best
1 T" e, q# e; Cuntill the taste of bitterness then i regret 1 R* Q/ `1 Q& T; L$ u* R
but still that i won't detest ' J, V  }3 l5 _! r0 L+ Z/ F
the love i can't forget
! w4 j2 a% W" ]  @- plike someone who was left 4 x1 ~: K: o& N+ M
how can i leave someone for the rest * r6 d- e' g( Z' Q9 w+ K
when i';m alone facing the best
- Q" q; G1 d5 |8 W* Ywhen i'm alone facing the best
0 i) v/ T1 L: p3 u! e% \untill they take some try to reson i regret
! ^7 n* [: K8 U! i8 Zbut still that i wont detest,
" c. o/ T/ m& v! j9 D8 Gwho i can never forget ) k6 s( o8 X' O4 m
like someone i once met
8 T1 `8 u$ e! E: ti can still hear her say
/ G) k' _- P  k2 d9 @( o4 y4 u$ Zthere that i'm not hearing tender play
0 X- ?3 L  j$ j3 K. i. @% l* ^the days she let me kiss her a display, 7 u$ b+ d! L% `8 n5 ]
the day she let me kiss her was display 4 I! Q" J- V! F& V! t+ X. a
of love to those who she betray
/ I0 m2 V2 w4 W6 [9 V: Wwhen i thought i got the best
- N4 q8 u/ F. T9 Xuntill the taste of bitterness then i regret
; l. ~+ t0 X# {5 Qbut still that i won't detest
8 {: f0 Y( s/ c( j2 k4 lthe love i can't forget
/ l9 ^# d  M3 n  a2 D  ]8 J/ [like someone who was left
4 Q0 ^' ]8 h# R5 ]how can i leave someone for the rest 3 t* U3 ~0 W8 v) \
when i';m alone facing the best
8 H) S2 T" t- p: h7 I. ewhen i'm alone facing the best ; E4 c0 F, J" J% B
untill they take some try to reson i regret ) i( p! E0 Z; R; p
but still that i wont detest, + X8 I) u8 U3 ~4 S, u: w4 j* z) h3 A
who i can never forget
2 M7 C2 @( d& i( }like someone i once met
+ j# B8 U$ M( W8 j( a9 ^: T# K# k( S3 zhow can i put someone to the test 2 V% }6 r9 {' P/ e2 j
when i thought i got the best
4 G; `4 u  ~6 c# R. A- `- Puntill the taste of bitterness then i regret
# ]% l2 U6 G8 s8 O% sbut still that i won't detest
. L' h: I3 n- B* h( ^% h2 _the love i can't forget 4 y  _% D/ G) h$ y
like someone who has left 2 X% f( b3 B( Z& O+ [2 c8 }" i7 \  S
how can i leave someone for the rest
$ y! [6 `, X% z: ]% jwhen i';m alone facing the best , S- ]/ W! k; c% Q
when i'm alone facing the best
# T; r+ Q  ]& Buntill they take some try to reson i regret
  s: J& V; R8 t: l$ q2 R9 y+ Ybut still that i won't detest
  D2 n, O5 x$ s0 Awho i can never forget " f, v# Y6 P) h9 X1 g
like someone i once me
发表于 2008-12-26 20:29 | 显示全部楼层
花雨,缓冲好慢呀+ r# P0 d% O9 W
6 I  ?6 E9 t; X+ L" ^555.....
发表于 2008-12-26 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
不错很好听~# W: t% [; @1 W* ]/ I* }
发表于 2008-12-26 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 21:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-26 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
This is my first time to hear this song............
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